Thursday 26 April 2012

Flipping heck!

Some success here! Year 10 taught me about catalytic converters today, rather than the other way around! Safe start with flipped learning. Chose students at random to explain cat converters to the class. Couple of embarrassed students who hadn't completed the work. Hopefully they won't put themselves in that position again! Generally good uptake and standard of work. Happy teacher :-)

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Flipping along

I've just set the flipped homework today. Only 2 students out of 25 thought they wouldn't be able to access youtube before Thursday. I've given them some literature to look at instead.
It's not the lesson I discussed on 8th April - although I will set that with another group later this week. This one asks students to watch a video about catalytic converters (See it here) and report back to the class on Thursday. We'll see how it goes!

Maths in Science

Making progress! I've collected some student opinion using survey monkey. No surprises but good to have their feedback confirmed. Lots of students suggesting better links between the departments in terms of method and language.
First approach to improving this is the use of help cards for the maths in GCSE Core Physics. You can see an example here: Electrical Energy Maths Card, although the reverse side is now written by the Maths department showing rearranging formulae and substituting into formulae. I'll update it later in the week.
If you view this on TES, you'll be able to see the other cards I'm trying.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Flipped classroom

#ukedchat on thursday night has got me thinking. I've got a lot going on already really, but I can't resist trying this flipped teaching when I get back after Easter. I can see huge benefits - particularly for the G&T students. My mixed ability (B-E) year 10s are about to start generating electricity - hmm, I wish - but you know what I mean. So, before i do the whole steam engine demo lesson I'm going to set a homework that involves watching a youtube video about generating electricity and maybe sketching a power station. I'm thinking this will help the top students because their focus in lesson can then be on the evaluation etc of electricity generation rather than the process. The others will get good consolidation and the chance to teach other students - a great way to learn. I can get a student or students to explain the steam engine demo instead of me. Maybe. It's a bit of a gamble. Homework is generally dragged from them but you can watch a youtube video on your phone - so maybe I'll have more success than with traditional homeworks.........comments welcome.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Current projects

So I'm currently working on 2 projects - an action research project and some reflective writing. The reflective writing is for the first part of my MEd, but both projects are based around the transfer of maths skills, by secondary students, to science (or the lack of!!)
Since my first weeks in training I've come across so many students who cannot make use of their maths skills in science. There seem to be several diverse reasons. In my classroom I'm trying to tackle some of them.
My action research is looking at using 'help cards' in science which show how to use the maths in science. On the reverse side are the basic maths skills required shown as they are taught in Maths. I've also surveyed the students about their thoughts on maths in science using survey monkey. Not enough results to report back yet but will do.
The other areas I'll be looking to change will be the links between the departments. We're a friendly co-operative bunch but there is definitely room for increased links - particularly in our schemes of work and planning.
If anyone would like share any observations from their own classrooms on the transfer of skills between departments, I'd love to hear from you. Equally, anything you've tried that has helped the students.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

New to blogging

So this is the latest addition to my CPD. I'm hoping it will be a record of the new approaches to T&L that take place in my classroom (new to me anyway!) and of my progress with some action research and some reflective writing.
I want to share the things I try - the successes and otherwise! I'd welcome any comments